Course curriculum

    1. How to use this learning platform

    2. A message from your instructor Lesley Malpas - the Founder and CEO of Operation Future Hope.

    3. The Nature and Rewilding Apprenticeship Course Learning Outcomes

    4. Before we begin...

    1. Preparatory Film - Breaking Boundaries - The Science Of Our Planet

    2. Lesson 1. Planetary Boundaries. The Big Picture.

    3. Lesson 2. The Loss of the Wild - Global Biodiversity Loss

    4. Lesson 3. Research lesson - Inherit The Dust and This Empty World: Nick Brandt and Paul Hilton's Photo Essays

    5. Lesson 4. The Loss of the Wild in the UK

    6. Lesson 5. #ForNature - make changes 4Nature now.

    7. Lesson 6. Outdoor session - Back to Nature - time to get out there!

    8. Lesson 7. Ghosts of the Land - Remembering Britain's Lost Species - Option to visit the National History Museum.

    9. Film - David Attenborough's Witness Statement - A Life on Our Planet

    1. Lesson 8. What is Rewilding?

    2. Film - How Wolves Change Rivers!

    3. Lesson 9. Rewilding in the UK and film about Rewilding at the Knepp Estate.

    4. Lesson 10. Part One. Film - Beavers without Borders

    5. Lesson 10. Part Two. Species reintroduction in the UK and Film - Beaver Man

    6. Lesson 11. Site Visit / Educational School Trip.

    7. Optional Further Study. Film - A Natural Reawakening - the return of European Bison to the Souther Carpathians.

    8. Lesson 12. How to Rewild your School grounds.

    1. Lesson 13. Hedgerows - A Vital Habitat for Wildlife.

    2. Lesson 14. Grasses and Wildflowers.

    3. Lesson 15. Wildlife Ponds.

    4. Lesson 16. Rewilding areas near School buildings.

    5. Lesson 17. Film Planet Local - the importance of Organic, local Food Production.

    6. Lesson 18. How to Survey and measure the return of nature to your school.

    7. Lesson 19 - Build it and they will come!

    8. Lesson 20. Bringing everything together and creating your Rewilding Master Plan

    9. Lesson 21: Preparing to Present your Rewilding Master Plan

    10. Lesson 22. Site Visit to a Rewilding Project

    1. Lesson 23. The Dream of the Earth - Ancient Wisdom for Modern Times.

    2. Lesson 24. Reconnecting with Nature - How to start a nature-based spiritual practice.

    3. Lesson 26. School Trip.

About this course

  • Free
  • 34 lessons